kundeservice@bysommerhuse.dk Phone +45 28686211 Løkken Blokhus Lønstrup

Activities near your rented holiday home in Løkken

When you rent a holiday home by the west coast, there are plenty of activities for the whole family or group of friends - whoever you're holidaying with! Are you into outdoor or indoor action? Or recreational areas in nature, or perhaps spa and wellness? Shopping and restaurant visits, museums and cultural activities are also preferred by many. Read more about these activities in a holiday home on this page, and you will learn that the west coast has a lot to offer.

Outdoor and action-oriented activities

If you are into outdoor or indoor action the palette of multifaceted activity options is wide. You can, for example, drive a go-kart in Action House in Løkken, or you can play laser games! Action House has bowling, slot machines and much more - and there is also something for the little ones. Outside there are plenty of opportunities for hiking along the holiday homes or surfing on the blue waves! Paddleboarding or wreck diving is also an option, just like general angling or cycling routes for the active holidayer.

Recreational holiday is also an option

If you prefer activities that are more down-tempo, it is first and foremost obvious to rent a holiday home that is located in beautiful holiday home areas with dunes, rosehip bushes and lyme grass just outside the windows. Perhaps the holiday home is even close enough to the beach that you can hear the waves breaking towards the sand. 

Here you can go for long walks, lie in the dunes or on the beach and just enjoy the fantastic nature with a picnic basket by your side. If the weather does not invite outdoor relaxation, you can stay inside with candles or a wood-burning stove - or you can visit one of the many spa and wellness facilities located along the west coast.

Activities in the form of cultural experiences

Maybe you can't imagine anything worse than lying in a spa with other holidayers and tourists - or maybe the thought of speed, noise and action gives you immediate stress? Then it is probably more up your alley to seek out more cultural experiences. These you’ll also find along the west coast! The museums, the bunkers, the lighthouse, the guided tours, the cultural sites, the jewelry, the ceramics and much more are placed along the cities by the beautiful West Coast. Lots of buildings, cities, piers, harbors and warehouses have their own unique stories, which locals and interested parties are happy to share. You can also find lots of art - just call and we'll have the first options ready for you.

Not to be forgotten - wonderful shopping and restaurant visits

When you are on holiday in a holiday home along the cities of the north-west coast, it is a typical sight to see happy holidayers and tourists walking or cycling with bags and packages, revealing that a bit of shopping has just taken place. Some people know nothing better than returning home with more in their suitcase than when they left home. After a round of shopping, many people grab a drink or a bite to eat at one of the many restaurants. A table is often booked for a nice lunch or dinner with live music or the like. Many concerts are also often played, and they are well attended in the many holiday towns.

So either you’re into one or the other, the Northwest Coast welcomes you by meeting your desires for a great holiday!

In doubt? Call or write to us and we’ll happily guide you!