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Lovely holiday home at Magnus Christensens Vej 14

Room for 8 persons

4 bedroom

132 m² holiday home

600 m. to the beach

1 pets

It is not often that you see a light gray holiday home in Løkken, Denmark. But allow us to present one of the rarities here -> Welcome to Magnus Christensens Vej 14! Here you will find a charming holiday home for rent with room for 8 people and two pets. As mentioned, the house is light grey, and both inside and out it is a bright and airy holiday home. The atmosphere is relaxed and cozy, and the house invites you to a Danish summer holiday at its best. You can lounge in the cozy couch arrangement or take a seat at one of the lovely sun spots on the terraces - where you can choose between dining tables and chairs, or beautiful outdoor lounge furniture. In the large kitchen, there is plenty of space to show off your culinary skills while chatting with your fellow vacationing guests in the open kitchen/dining room.

Located close to both town and beach

If you are familiar with Løkken, you also know how beautiful Magnus Christensens Vej itself is. The road branches over a larger area, and everywhere you can find paths to the beach or roads to the city. You will find the beach with the lovely beach houses approx. 600 meters away from the holiday home, while the road to town and shopping creeps up on a distance of a kilometer. You are thus a short distance from most of what you would need on your vacation in a holiday home in Løkken. And if the weather doesn't cooperate, you can enjoy indoor coziness by the wood-burning stove. Naturally, there is also an air conditioner installed for both cold and hot days, as well as underfloor heating in the bathrooms.

Facts about the summer house

When you rent the summer house at Magnus Christensens Vej 14, you rent a house from 1979 that is full of charm with its years behind it. The plot is 1480 square meters, so there is plenty of room for games or the like in the garden. The house area itself is 132 square meters and it contains four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Ideal for, for example, two families or 3-4 couples of friends who are ready to have a good time in the charming holiday home.

Call and find out more today, or book summerhouse online. 0045 28686211.

The holiday home is non-smoking and youth groups are not allowed.




267,00 EUR
Rental price 267,00 EUR
18,00 EUR Administrationsgebyr
127,00 EUR Obligatorisk rengøring
Total price 412,00 EUR